VM/370 - 3380 Host System Setup
Preparation I
This is intended to be a case-study (for those who are new to VM/370) in How Things Work through the use of a practical systems programming activity: Installing and migrating to new hardware.
- Read “What Mother Never Told You About VM Maintenance” by Melinda Varian
- Download the VM/370 SixPack 1.3 Beta 3
- Install or Build Hercules 4.0 (a.k.a. Hyperion)
- Replace Sixpack.cmd with the following (make whatever edits you need). It's a better selector tool for the configurations
- sixpack.cmd
@echo off :: This command file launches the VM/370 SixPack. :: Ensure that the Hercules executable (hercules.exe) is in your path. setlocal %~d0 cd %~dp0 path=E:\Engineering\SDL.hyperion\hyperion\;%PATH% :Options cls Echo :: Echo :: %Date% %Time% - %~dpf0 Echo :: Echo :: VM/370 R6 "SixPack" version 1.3 Beta 3 Echo :: Echo :: Options: 3350 Configuration [5] Echo :: 3380 Configuration [8] Echo :: VM/370 Window [V] Echo :: Prompt [P] Echo :: Exit [X] Echo :: :Choices CHOICE /C 58VPX /M "Select Option: " IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 5 exit IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 4 goto :EndProc IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 3 goto :SelectLOCALVMTerm IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 2 set _configFile=sixpack.3380.conf IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 set _configFile=sixpack.3350.conf IF .%_configFile% EQU . GOTO :Choices start hercules -f %_configFile% > Log.txt goto :Options :SelectLOCALVMTerm cls Echo :: Echo :: %Date% %Time% - %~dpf0 Echo :: Echo :: WC3270 Terminal Options - Local VM/370 Echo :: Echo :: WC3270 CMD Window [W] Echo :: 80x24 3278 Model 2 [2] Echo :: 80x32 3278 Model 3 [3] Echo :: 80x43 3278 Model 4 [4] Echo :: 132x27 3278 Model 5 [5] Echo :: Return [R] Echo :: Exit [X] Echo :: cd WC3270 :: Now start the 3270 emulator. :: Feel free to replace this with your preferred terminal emulation program. CHOICE /C W2345RX /M "Select Option: " IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 7 Exit IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 6 goto :WCReturn IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 5 start wc3270.exe -keymap 3270 -title "VM 3270 Model 5" Model5.wc3270 IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 4 start wc3270.exe -keymap 3270 -title "VM 3270 Model 4" Model4.wc3270 IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 3 start wc3270.exe -keymap 3270 -title "VM 3270 Model 3" Model3.wc3270 IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 2 start wc3270.exe -keymap 3270 -title "VM 3270 Model 2" Model2.wc3270 IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 start cmd.exe /k "cd E:\Emulation\VM370.6Pack.1.3\WC3270" goto :SelectLOCALVMTerm :WCReturn cd .. goto :Options :EndProc endlocal cls Echo :: Environment restored to default Prompt $P$_$N$G
ibm360-370/how-tos/3380_preparation_i.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/26 19:23 by site_admin