Table of Contents
Archer is ARCHivE Reader application for Retro1.Org. The archer application is a PHP8
based application which contains the entire message archive from the ControlFreaks mail lists. It also contains the index to all of the known CYBIS(PLATO) files archived to-date.
Archer is built using the MVC (Model/View/Controller) pattern and contains underlying clusters of tables (in the Model) which serve the following information:
System Access
User Metadata
- Given Name, Surname, E-Mail, Full Name, etc.
- Requested Role (Contributor, Moderator, etc.)
e-Mail Archives
- Message Bodies for all e-mail since 2001 for ControlFreaks
- Attachments for all e-mail
PLATO File Catalog
All known files still in existence from the following systems:
- VCampus/CYBIS
- NovaNET
archer/start.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/10/15 06:59 by site_admin