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Audit the VM/370 Configuration

Before proceeding with any meaningful work - it is important for every systems programmer to have a complete map of the operating system landscape. There are many problems that can be avoided by having a complete audit of the environment.

On a configuration that's running on real hardware, there are directory mapping utilities which help paint that picture for the systems programmer. The robustness of these tools is insufficient for the emulated environment because the hardware environment is a composition of up to FOUR layers:

  3. OPERATING SYSTEM (The VM/370 Control Program)
  4. VM GUEST Operating system (CMS, DOS, MVS, etc.)

The configuration of HERCULES is contained in sixpack.conf; the configuration of the VM/370 Control Program is stored in 4 primary files:

  2. DMKSYS ASSEMBLE B1 ← The SYSTEM Configuration
  3. DMKRIO ASSEMBLE B1 ← The REAL I/O Configuration
It is an exercise for the user to refer to the associated documentation to get a full understanding of these files.

Download the Configuration Files

The 1.3 Version of the SixPack has preinstalled file transfer facilities through the CMS-side implementation of the IND$FILE module and frequently, there is a need to transfer by other means. Moving data in and out of the VM Control Program using the virtual Reader, Punch and Print devices may be necessary. Refer to the brief article explaining use of the VM/370 CP System Unit-Record Devices.

  • The transfer command is accessed by pressing ESCape on the 3270 emulator and issuing the following command at the wc3270 prompt: transfer host=vm “Direction=receive” “LocalFile=E:\Emulation\Vm370.6Pack.1.3.Orig\sixpack.direct.a.txt” “HostFile=SIXPACK DIRECT A1” host=vm exist=replace
  • Before issuing the transfer command, the terminal window should be free of other content. Therefore it is suggested that you press Alt-2 (PA-2 Key) to clear the screen prior to invoking the transfer function.
NOTE: The quotation marks are crucial for the correct operation of the transfer command
  • Repeat the transfer for each of the other files:
  • DMKSYS: transfer host=vm “Direction=receive” “LocalFile=E:\Emulation\Vm370.6Pack.1.3.Orig\dmksys.assemble.b.txt” “HostFile=DMKSYS ASSEMBLE B1” host=vm exist=replace
  • DMKSNT: transfer host=vm “Direction=receive” “LocalFile=E:\Emulation\Vm370.6Pack.1.3.Orig\dmksnt.assemble.b.txt” “HostFile=DMKSNT ASSEMBLE B1” host=vm exist=replace
  • DMKRIO: transfer host=vm “Direction=receive” “LocalFile=E:\Emulation\Vm370.6Pack.1.3.Orig\dmkrio.assemble.b.txt” “HostFile=DMKRIO ASSEMBLE B1” host=vm exist=replace
The transfer command invokes the module IND$FILE on the mainframe session

Logoff and Shutdown

To perform an automated audit of the system, it must be shutdown.

  1. On the 3270 session - type logoff and press Enter until you see the VM Logo screen (you may now close this session window)
  2. On the HERCULES console window, at the herc ====⇒ prompt, type /cp drain all (press enter)
  3. On the HERCULES console window, at the herc ====⇒ prompt, type /cp shutdown (press enter)
  4. On the HERCULES console window, at the herc ====⇒ prompt, type quit (press enter)
NOTE: the / slash mark is important, it causes HERCULES to know that this command is intended to be transmitted to the operating system console.

Proceed to Running DIRMAP.

ibm360-370/audit_the_configuration.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/01 18:13 by site_admin