Process AWS/HET tapes for Hercules emulated tapes.
One of the tasks of a hobbyist is understanding what files exist, and where. Then comes the task of learning how to organize the files so they can be searched since new hobbyists are generally challenged by the arcane way that operating systems organize file.
This utility was created to ease the transfer of files between VM/370 R6 and the Windows host workstation.
<Command>.vbs /TapeFile:<TapeFileName> When Not Multifile, the name of the input file /ProcessDir:<FolderName> When Multifile, the name of the folder containing the tapes /ToolPath:<FolderName> The location of the HERCULES Utility Files /Recurse:(True|False) When Multifile, recurse through the folders /MultiFile:(True|False) Process ONE (False) or MANY (True) Tape Files /LogFile:<LogFileName> Log Output Here /ExtractRoot:<FolderName> Consolidate extract scripts and subfolders to this location
Example: <Command>
/ProcessDir:"E:\Engineering\Tapes\TestTapes" /multifile:true /Recurse:False /ExtractRoot:"E:\Engineering\Tapes.Export"
Take all of the *.AWS files found in E:\Engineering\TapeBrowse-SZ\TestTapes folder (ignoring subfolders) and generate the tape maps and extract/export scripts into folder E:\Engineering\TapeBrowse-SZ\TestTapes\TestExport
If the tape were in the TestTapes folder… the following would be generated:
E:\Engineering\Tapes.Export\waterloo.tapemap.cmd E:\Engineering\Tapes.Export\waterloo.tapemap.ctl E:\Engineering\Tapes.Export\waterloo.files.txt
With a folder structure ready to receive the contents of the tape
E:\ENGINEERING\TAPES.EXPORT\WATERLOO +---F000001 +---F000002 +---F000003 : : +---F000133 +---F000134 +---F000135
Upon executing <..>waterloo.tapemap.cmd, the following would be unloaded from the original file into their respective folders.
E:\ENGINEERING\TAPEBROWSE-SZ\TESTTAPES\TESTEXPORT\WATERLOO +---F000001 ¦ ABSTRACT.ABSTRACT.A1.txt ¦ +---F000002 ¦ FASTREAD.ASSEMBLE.B1.txt ¦ FASTREAD.MEMO.B1.txt ¦ FASTREAD.TEXT.B1.bin ¦ M0001V00.DOCUMENT.B1.txt ¦ M0001V00.MEMO.B1.txt ¦ NUCMAP.EXEC.B1.txt ¦ NUCMAP.MODULE.B1.bin ¦ NUCMAP.PLI.B1.txt ¦ +---F000134 ¦ $EDT.EXEC.B1.txt ¦ ED2.TEXT.B1.bin ¦ EDTGEN.EXEC.B1.txt ¦ M1133V00.DOCUMENT.B1.txt ¦ M1133V00.MEMO.B1.txt ¦ +---F000135 COMVME.ASSEMBLE.B1.txt M1134V00.DOCUMENT.B1.txt M1134V00.MEMO.B1.txt