@Echo OFF :: Generated: 12/23/2020 1:56:14 PM :: Input File: kstatevm.aws :: Control File: kstatevm.tapemap.ctl :: Author: Steve Zoppi :: Description: Expands the INPUT FILE into individual files :: within subfolders if the tape is either of :: AWS or HET format. If the format is neither :: format, the files are dumped into individual :: binary-format files. %~d0 cd %~dp0 cd ".\kstatevm" :: Load the tape files into Individual Files :: Call VMFPLC2 to distribute the contents of the PLC tape "e:\engineering\sdl.hyperion\hyperion\msvc.sz.amd64.bin\vmfplc2.exe" load "..\kstatevm.tapemap.ctl" "E:\Emulation\operations.workspace\Tapes\kstatevm.aws" cd %~dp0